Los ayuntamientos y la educación primaria durante la Segunda República

  • Héctor Vicente Sánchez Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Second Republic, Primary Education, local authority, colleges, secularism, extra-scholarly institutions


When the Republican leaders acceded to power, one of their main objectives was a deep reform in education. The development of the Repub­lican educational policy is reflected in a sub­sequent, extensive historiographical corpus. It was in fact the same architects of the reform who first recorded this whilst at the head of the Ministry of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, namely, Rodolfo Llopis and Marcelino Domin­go. Following these first studies, we had to wait for the fall of the dictatorship for the history of republican educational reform to be continued. The first such research efforts were of a general character, and some time passed until it began to focus on specific localities. This paper aims to analyse the work of the local authorities with respect to primary education during the repub­lican period. Three areas will be central to this: the start-up of new schools, the substitution of religious education and the start-up of the extra-scholarly institutions.


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How to Cite
Vicente Sánchez, H. (2018). Los ayuntamientos y la educación primaria durante la Segunda República. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (29), 141-160. https://doi.org/10.20318/revhisto.2018.4233
Special issue