Neither "field" nor "world": Contributions and theoretical tools to historicise the musical culture of the early 19th century in Buenos Aires

  • Guillermina Guillamon Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Keywords: Musical culture, cultural history, sociology of music, Buenos Aires 19th century


This article analyses and systematises works from both cultural history and sociology, in order to point out conceptual tools and methodological perspectives that allow the analysis of musical culture at the beginning of the 19th century to be problematised. The main objective is to show how, based on diverse theoretical and analytical contributions, music constitutes an object of study that can be addressed by the social sciences.


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How to Cite
Guillamon, G. (2019). Neither "field" nor "world": Contributions and theoretical tools to historicise the musical culture of the early 19th century in Buenos Aires. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (30), 287-312.
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