Anthropology or ontology of history? The presence of Carl Schmitt in Koselleck´s work

Keywords: Reinahrt Koselleck, Carl Schmitt, Critique and Crisis, political dualism, conceptual history


This article presents the research results of the stay at the Carl Schmitt Nachlass located in the Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen. The content of the correspondence has been organized with a view to offering solid arguments from the historical point of view to the thesis that Reinhart Koselleck’s project of conceptual history is not so much a method of historical-philological analysis as a theory of modernity. Furthermore, this correspondence serves as a point of reference to analyze the deep personal and intellectual relationship between Koselleck and Schmitt.


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How to Cite
Orozco Pérez, M. (2020). Anthropology or ontology of history? The presence of Carl Schmitt in Koselleck´s work. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (34), 15-37.
I. Koselleck, crítica y crisis