Marcel Le Glay and Roman Religion in Ancient Africa

Keywords: North Africa, roman history, roman religion, Saturn in Africa, syncretism


The essay traces the scientific career of Marcel Le Glay through the studies that the researcher carried out on religious culture in Roman Africa, through the analysis of archaeological and epigraphic discoveries. From his experience at Palazzo Farnese in Rome, we can see his Africa path which began in 1948 in Algeria, where Le Glay became Assistant Director of Antiquities. In his scientific production particular attention is paid to the cult of Saturn in Africa, the subject of two monographs and numerous articles, to Dea Africa, to the theme of romanization and to the phenomenon of syncretism.


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How to Cite
Gavini, A. (2021). Marcel Le Glay and Roman Religion in Ancient Africa. REVISTA DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA (RevHisto), (36), 289-307.