Individual rights and political emancipation: meaning and strength of Marx’s critique

  • Pablo Scotto Benito Investigador predoctoral en formación, Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Marx, critique, human rights, citizenship, emancipation


Marx carries out two critiques of rights. On the one hand, he shows the emancipatory limitations of citizenship rights, resulting from the (unrecognized) subordination of the State in relation to civil society. On the other hand, he reveals the selfishness that hides behind the so-called human rights (liberty, property, equality and security), which are actually a form of naturalizing bourgeois society lifestyle. He ends up connecting this two critiques, noting that political emancipation (the recognition of citizenship rights) and unfettered selfishness of civil society (sanctioned through human rights) are two processes taking place simultaneously, at the moment when the bourgeoisie social climbing breaks with the mechanisms of old feudal society.


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How to Cite
Scotto Benito, P. (2017). Individual rights and political emancipation: meaning and strength of Marx’s critique. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (26), 2-36.