An analysis of the Golden Rule as an intercultural approach to the resolution of conflicts

  • Oscar Pérez de la Fuente Profesor Titular (acreditado) de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: golden rule, alterity, identity, altruism, reciprocity, retribution, intercultural evaluation


This article analyses the Golden Rule of Humanity, which is the common moral denominator of the majority of religions and cultures. Firstly, it looks at the elements of retribution, reciprocity and altruism as implied. Secondly, it develops some of the common criticisms of this Rule and two arguments of defence. Finally, it applies the analysis of this Rule to the resolution of four controversial cases. The intention is to consider that the Golden Rule belongs to the ethics of alterity.


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How to Cite
Pérez de la Fuente, O. (2017). An analysis of the Golden Rule as an intercultural approach to the resolution of conflicts. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (26), 68-98.