The theory of punishment in Hegel’s legal thought

  • Miguel Alejandro Herszenbaun
Keywords: Hegel, crime, Law, punishment


Hegel’s legal thought has been considered in at least three works published while the author was alive: the Phenomenology of Spirit, the Encyclopedia and the Philosophy of Right. The main problem while considering Hegel’s treatment of Penal Law is based on a lack of attention to its systematic location on Hegel’s work and a lack of articulation between the legal subject and the Hegelian thought. In this paper, I offer an interpretation on the grounds of the Penal Law. This interpretation takes into account the systematic location of the legal subject and main aspects of Hegel’s philosophy.


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How to Cite
Herszenbaun, M. A. (2017). The theory of punishment in Hegel’s legal thought. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (27), 45-75.