Brief analysis to the "classic paradigms of nationalism"

  • Guillermo Reyes Pascual Assistant Lecturer en la University of Kent, Reino Unido
Keywords: classic paradigms of nationalism, primordialism, modernism, perennialism, ethnosymbolism


The events that have taken place in various parts of the European continent, such as Kosovo, eastern Ukraine, Scotland, Catalonia, or more recently Corsica, have had as a main consequence the resurgence of the discussion, within the political debate, around the nation and its condition as the legitimating element of the political community. To make sense of this discussion, this article briefly breaks down the main paradigms of nationalism in order to identify and place the different actors within the theoretical debate around the nation.


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How to Cite
Reyes Pascual, G. (2018). Brief analysis to the "classic paradigms of nationalism". UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (28), 59-84.