Law and diversity

A chronicle of an impossibility

  • Javier Herrera González
Keywords: psychosocial diversity, mental health, disability, criminalization


This essay is motivated to shed some light on an intrinsic difficulty to the social function that the Law fulfills: the management of diversity. In particular, psychosocial diversity has historically been a persistent obstacle to the configuration of a legal mould that allows it to include the entire spectrum of reality. The steering argument here is that the unsolvable nature of this tension leads to the criminalization of a subjectivity that escapes system’s normalizing drive. By addressing the different junctures which try, unsuccessfully, to dissolve all the differences within them, an attempt will be made to demonstrate the incompatibility between this process and the full realization of individuals.


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How to Cite
Herrera González, J. (2021). Law and diversity : A chronicle of an impossibility. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (37), 71-109.