Childhood between the public and the private. A review of the value of family in Rawls

  • María José Jara Leiva
Keywords: Rawls, family, family autonomy, principles of justice, disadvantages, children


The issue of the State interference in parental role leads us to the dichotomy between the public and the private, typical of liberal theories and widely criticized by feminists. This paper focuses on the approaches, criticisms and reconsiderations of Rawls' thoughts about the value of the family and its relationship with the State. It is argued that for the author the family is an ambivalent institution, and that this explains contradictions in his theory, which, in any case, does not pay attention to the situation of present children within this sphere. Regardless of the foregoing, the revision of some of his ideas allows us to assert that the family ambit, and specially situations involving children, should not remain inscrutable for the principles of justice. Human rights are a valid and necessary discourse in the field of intersubjective relations.


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How to Cite
Jara Leiva, M. J. (2021). Childhood between the public and the private. A review of the value of family in Rawls. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (37), 110-129.