Alexandra Elbakyan and the resistance to scientific knowledge enclosures

  • Cristina Serván Melero Universidad de Cadiz
Keywords: commons, open access, feminism, enclosures, civil disobedience


This paper analyzes, the figure of Alexandra Elbakyan and her Sci-Hub project, whose website contains more than 85 million scientific documents which can be accessed for free.
We will reflect on the enclosures to scientific knowledge, colonialism in academic production and the proposals that work for open access to scientific information. We will take as a reference the disobedience led by Elbakyan, who as a non-Western young woman and ideologically committed to anti-neoliberal positions, it represents a non-hegemonic identity itself.


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How to Cite
Serván Melero, C. (2022). Alexandra Elbakyan and the resistance to scientific knowledge enclosures. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (39), 2-26.