Emperor Hadrian and Egypt. Remarks on the mythical and religious perspectives

  • Giuseppina Capriotti Vittozzi Italian Archaeological Centre, Cairo
Keywords: Emperor Hadrian, Egypt, Egyptian reli­gion, phoenix, Apis bull


The aim of these remarks is to bring to light some particular aspects in the enig­matic religious, mythological and ideolog­ical system inspired by Egypt, built into the Hadrianic environment, and the inter­cultural commitment, to which special­ists of heterogeneous origin, and therefore also Egyptians, probably contributed. The phoenix is taken into account as image of the renovation of kingship, as well as other figures expressing the regenerating transfer of royalty in an Egyptian cyclic perspective.


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How to Cite
Capriotti Vittozzi, G. (2019). Emperor Hadrian and Egypt. Remarks on the mythical and religious perspectives. ARYS, (16), 267-288. https://doi.org/10.20318/arys.2018.4504