Buildings for the Gods. Public and Private Benefactors in the 2nd. Century AD. Peloponnese Sanctuaries

  • Annalisa Lo Monaco Sapienza Università di Roma
Keywords: Peloponnesus, sanctuaires, benefactors, imperators, dedications


Which buildings are dedicated to the gods in the 2nd century AD? Who paid for them? Is there a preference for a particu­lar kind of buildings (functional, recep­tion, sacred) depending on whether they are interventions financed by the emper­or or a public commission (the demi and local councils), or whether it is instead a private intervention? This article offers an overview of the main types of build­ing and architectural interventions that can be identified in the 2nd century AD. in the sanctuaries of the Peloponnesus, ex­amining them in diachrony according to their specific function (thermal buildings, theaters, assembly buildings) and high­lighting how they changed perception and daily life within the sacred areas.


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How to Cite
Lo Monaco, A. (2019). Buildings for the Gods. Public and Private Benefactors in the 2nd. Century AD. Peloponnese Sanctuaries. ARYS, (16), 139-176.