The dacian religious prohibition on consumption of wine. Perspectives on their alleged moral superiority in the Romanian historiography

  • Juan Ramón Carbó García Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Religious prohibitions, wine, Dacians, historiography, Dacia


Begining with the scarce ancient literary evidence about the Dacian religion, an idealized image of this people was subsequently developed, mainly because of the characteristics of a supposed religious reform developed in the first century BC, which would have included the prohibition on wine consumption. Analyzing that evidence, we shall raise the resulting perspectives defended by Romanian historiography of Dacianist type. Then we will try to compare the data offered by the literary sources with the latest archaeological evidence.


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How to Cite
Carbó García, J. R. (2020). The dacian religious prohibition on consumption of wine. Perspectives on their alleged moral superiority in the Romanian historiography. ARYS, (9), 155-176. Retrieved from