The reform of the selection and training of high ranked civil servants of Public Administrations related to legal professions
This work analyses the necessity of a reform in the selection and training of high ranked civil servants of Public Administration related to legal professions. A series of problems related to the selection process, which follows traditional and memoristic methods, are highlighted, pointing out some solutions that would allow a notable improvement in the selection process, while it complies with the constitutional standards and the requirements established in the EBEP. As regards training, it is highlighted the importance and the need to adapt it to the new knowledge society and to information and communication technologies. Finally, it is pointed out the needs that have to be met by the General Administration of the State, for which the selection and training of civil servants in the legal professions are intended.
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Eunomía. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad is a duly registered journal, with EISSN 2253-6655.
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