La ontología relacional de la responsabilidad. Un comentario a Adscripción y reacción de Sebastián Figueroa

Keywords: responsibility, expectations, liability, recognition, P.F. Strawson, R. Brandom


After depicting what Figueroa characterizes as a «interpersonal conception of responsibility», some implications of the distinction between two senses in which the word «expectation» is used are examined, which I take as not sufficiently noticed in his work. This leads, in turn, to a clarification of what may be identified as the possible object of an ascription of responsibility, the determination of which seems insensitive to whether the very notion of responsibility is understood in accordance with such an interpersonal conception. The comment closes with an analysis of the relation that apparently holds between what Figueroa presents as the thesis of the «primacy of liability», on the one hand, and his resort to the concept of «elemental recognition», on the other.


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How to Cite
Mañalich Raffo, J. P. (2022). La ontología relacional de la responsabilidad. Un comentario a Adscripción y reacción de Sebastián Figueroa. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (23), 467-475.
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