Application of Artificial Intelligence to judicial decision-making

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Legal Expert Systems, risk assessment algorithms


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has broken into the legal field to stay, raising several unknowns about its true scope and practical utility. Judicial decision-making processes is one of the most studied procedural moments regarding digital automation, but the AI tools’ incapability of motivating the solutions it can offer for a certain case limits that systematization. Even so, AI devices can proportionate judicial assistance through risk assessment algorithms and other legal expert systems, in addition to the possibility of creating digital courts without emulating the reasoning of the judge and without motivation in the simple cases susceptible of also being analogically automated. On this paper we will study such AI instruments, their effectiveness and usefulness, and the impact on the duty of motivation that digital judicial substitution would entail.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Fernández, M. (2024). Application of Artificial Intelligence to judicial decision-making. EUNOMÍA. Revista En Cultura De La Legalidad, (27), 183-200.
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