The Year of the Four Emperors. Axiological Confusion in Tacitus’ Histories

  • Catalina Balmaceda Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Tacitus, Histories, civil wars, fear, betrayal, fides, constantia


This paper deals with axiological confusion as seen in Tacitus’ Histories . Through the analysis of different cases in the historical narrative, it demonstrates Tacitus’ explanation of how emperors, generals or soldiers were brought to a state in which they were no longer able to discern what was good or bad for them. Tacitus saw fear and the uncertainty characteristic of the civil wars of AD 69 as originating a particular spiral of disloyalty and betrayal which accounted for the confusion in the agents’ moral judgement. By interspersing his narrative with outstanding examples of the virtues that counteracted the vices responsible for impairing correct moral reasoning, Tacitus showed models of conduct who managed to overcome the confusion and worked both for their own good and that of Rome.


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How to Cite
Balmaceda, C. (2020). The Year of the Four Emperors. Axiological Confusion in Tacitus’ Histories. ΠΗΓΗ/FONS, 5(1), 151-169.