Content analysis of health in national press

ABC & La Razón

  • E. Muñoz Álvarez Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Almería
Keywords: communication media, health education, newspapers


Objective: Health is an issue that every day more interest in the population. The progressive increase in life expectancy has meant that people increasingly worry about their health. The present article then performs an analysis on health news content with national circulation, the ABC and La Razon.

Methods: A descriptive study, which analyzed for two newspapers ABC and La Razón for 1 month. Results: We found that of 4,872 analyzed only 307 pages is for health content. As the section where more appear in supplements, with an average occupancy in the ABC half and a page on La Razón. The topics that are displayed in both sexual health, obesity and dignified death. In both the specialty advertising appears is more sanitary. The information sources is expert that appears.

Conclusions: La Razón than to ABC in the publication of articles related to health. Opening debate on the veracity of the sources of information


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How to Cite
Muñoz Álvarez, E. (2016). Content analysis of health in national press: ABC & La Razón. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 2(1), 3-12. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Análisis de contenidos sanitarios en prensa