Health and its handling. Analysis of two national newspapers

El País and El Mundo

  • A. Peláez Valdivieso Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Almería
Keywords: newspapers, public health, print press


Objective: The health content in newspapers every day are becoming more numerous and important, health is a hot topic that people will claim information and dedication. The purpose of this study was a detailed and comprehensive medical content for a month of two more national daily newspapers. Method: A longitudinal study on health content for a month in the newspapers El Mundo and El Pais.

Results: After finding 265 articles between the two newspapers 61% have appeared in the country and 39% in the world.

Conclusions: The Country is a newspaper that has published more health news in naming sources of information relevant to society. Both newspapers have agreed to appoint as sources in the vast majority of their news, health experts and politicians. Research is needed on the health content of the different national newspapers in order to assess the quality of their news, objectivity and continuity over time.


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How to Cite
Peláez Valdivieso, A. (2016). Health and its handling. Analysis of two national newspapers: El País and El Mundo. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 2(1), 13-23. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Análisis de contenidos sanitarios en prensa