Health information in the mass media

  • J. Sánchez Martos Catedra de Educación para la Salud. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Health education, Mass media, Social alarms


Health and much more disease have always been gained a significant importance for the general population and the media have been echoed them for years. In principle inside the section of society and later with pages and special supplements, but all too often offering a information that sometimes have helped to create "social alarms". We understand that both the health as the disease have to be treated in the media working as a team among the media professionals and health professionals as a whole. On the other hand we propose the creation of the “Agency of Security of Information of Health”, with the objective to avoid these social alarms between the population and to guarantee a rigorous information and of quality, which will contribute without a doubt to improve the Education for the Health of the Population.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Martos, J. (2016). Health information in the mass media. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 1(2), 68-76. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Situación actual de la comunicación en salud