Communication and refugees

  • M. Povedano Jiménez Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Almería
Keywords: Communication, Refugees, Campaigns


Introduction: The protection of refugees is experiencing a decline. There are currently more than 22 million refugees worldwide. Their protection is the work of humanitarian organizations: ensuring that human rights are respected and make sure no one would be returned against their will. The media are a powerful tool to deliver speeches to society and achieve a certain climate of public opinion. Through the transmission of messages of awareness and strengthening of policies could promote activities and awareness campaigns that are developed from different entities.

Objectives: To identify strategies used to promote social awareness and solidarity on the issue of refugees. Methodology: Literature review of public awareness campaigns between 2004 and 2010. Results: Analysis of 20 campaigns.

Discussion: All communication strategies that the audience can try to empathize, somehow, with the refugee, who receives the living situation of distress, often, as well as provide assistance, and to eliminate prejudices about this group. However, sometimes the politicians and the media show abroad as a threat to public safety to displayed on groups considered "different": Prioritize positive aspects in their contribution to everyday living. Strengthen arguments that highlight what we have in common. Highlight the problems they present. In short, establishing actions that facilitate social interaction, and contribute to breaking stereotypes.


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How to Cite
Povedano Jiménez, M. (2016). Communication and refugees. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 1(2), 155-163. Retrieved from