Physical disability and advertising campaigns in the web
Introduction: Mass Media aims to inform, entertain, influence and persuade the public, therefore, is required to participate in the inclusion of physically disabled persons in society.
Objective: The focus is on search advertising campaigns, the information that exists on the Physically Handicapped to promote inclusion in society.
Material and methods: Cross-sectional study. The data used are the campaigns that have been of Physically Disabled in the years 2006-2008 in Spain.
Results: The results show a greater number of advertising campaigns related to employment and leisure.
Talk: The advertising campaigns on disabled people move towards integration and inclusion in society, while changing prejudices that still exist there. In these campaigns describes topics on employment, leisure, training, security, resources, removing barriers, social awareness and family. However, Sexuality, as important and necessary, it is not in any case.
Conclusions: It is almost always used, advertising campaigns that address the same subject, leaving aside the emotional part of people with disabilities.
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