Review of studies on communication for sexual and reproductive health in Mexico, between 1994 and 2018

  • Julio César Aguila Sánchez Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Colima, México
  • Karla Y. Covarrubias Cuéllar Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad de Colima, México
  • Marina Vázquez Guerrero Escuela de Mercadotecnia, Universidad de Colima, México
Keywords: health´s communication, sexual and reproductive health, state of the art, Mexico


Introduction: the states of art are bibliographic investigations that allow finding precedents of an object of study. This implies taking stock of the main advances and setbacks in its state of affairs, based on the contributions, trends and regularities found. Objective: to present a state of the art on communication for sexual and reproductive health for adolescents and youth in Mexico. Methodology: we conducted a study of narrative review, in order to evaluate, interpret and synthesize the characteristics and findings of the analyzed texts. This allowed systematizing the knowledge that has been generated about the problem in Mexico, emphasizing the way in which the subject has been understood and treated, its conceptions, models, speeches, approaches, proposals, successes and limitations. Results: the studies on the communication-institution relationship, the effectiveness of communication, the evaluation of the components of the communicative process, as well as the theories and discourses of sexual education in Mexico are privileged. Conclusion: The studies reviewed demonstrate the importance of overcoming behavioral theories, in order to unravel the structural conditions that underlie the problems of sexual and reproductive health in adolescents and young people.


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How to Cite
Aguila Sánchez, J. C., Covarrubias Cuéllar, K. Y., & Vázquez Guerrero, M. (2020). Review of studies on communication for sexual and reproductive health in Mexico, between 1994 and 2018. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 11(1), 115-128.
Systematic Reviews