Fact-checking platform: the fakes news denied by Newtral in the coronavirus crisis in Spain

  • Yaiza Pozo-Montes Departamento de Periodismo II, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, España
  • Marina León-Manovel Departamento de Periodismo II, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, Universidad del País Vasco, España
Keywords: fact-checking, check, fake news, hoaxes, social networks, coronavirus, journalism


Introduction: Fact-checking or data verification has become an increasingly popular journalistic practice. Without a doubt, it is a tool that has proven to be necessary to deny the fake news circulating on social networks, just as it has happened in the specific case of the coronavirus health crisis. Objectives: Analyze the characteristics of the false news denied by Newtral Media Audiovisual and determine its trend during the successive notices of extensions of the Alarm State. Methodology: 104 information referring to the coronavirus in Spain have been examined from March 14 to May 4, using the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the case study. Results: All the fake news have converged on different social networks, but the main channel for their diffusion has been WhatsApp, with text and audio being the formats that have been the most manipulated. On the other hand, the predominant theme of the hoaxes has been politics and the false attributions to institutions have managed to deceive citizens. Conclusions: The fact-checking confirms its success to deny falsehoods through the use of data. It is a current phenomenon that requires investigation in any academic fields.


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How to Cite
Pozo-Montes, Y., & León-Manovel, M. (2020). Fact-checking platform: the fakes news denied by Newtral in the coronavirus crisis in Spain. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 103-116. https://doi.org/10.20318/recs.2020.5446