The Impact of Social Media on Hospitals’ Branding Initiatives
An Analysis about the World’s Best Hospitals
Introduction: Hospitals face a constantly changing context that leads them to accelerate their digital transformation: cyberhealth, new business models, global competition, etc. In this framework, social media platforms have become a useful tool for transforming hospitals and enhancing their public image. Objectives: This paper aims to analyze how the world’s best hospitals manage social media platforms to disseminate brand related content and this way reinforce their reputation. Methodology: To do that, we carried out a literature review about health communication, social media and brands; then, we analyzed how the world’s 100 best hospitals managed their social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) as well as their own corporate websites for promoting their brand; and finally, we proposed different managerial implications. Results: Most hospitals resort to their corporate websites (76%) and corporate profiles on Facebook (78%), Twitter (73%) and Youtube (78%) for branding initiatives. Conclusions: Hospitals should prioritize a corporate communication approach, focus on useful content for each stakeholder, and promote learning sessions for helping employees become brand ambassadors.
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