Effect of COVID-19 on the communication of the climate crisis
Basque public radio and television (EITB) as a case study
Introduction: The media has increased its interest in the climate crisis in recent years. However, COVID-19 disrupted everything. Objective: To analyze the effect of the pandemic on the communication of the climate crisis on the Basque public radio and television (EITB) from January to July 2020. Methodology: Based on the theories of agenda-setting and framing, the most representative contents of information, education (dissemination), and entertainment of its radio, television, and web channels were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Results: Information and dissemination contents about climate change stood out in January and February, but the pandemic caused them to disappear. The entertainment program only included the climate crisis thanks to a cocreation initiative. Radio was the medium that offered the most content, highlighting the local and scientific, economic, and biodiversity approaches. Conclusions: The climate crisis is part of EITB’s thematic agenda, but COVID-19 monopolized its broadcasts, and only from May did they reappear, showing its relationship with the pandemic. Likewise, cocreation is a good initiative to introduce contents such as the climate crisis in programs that reach broader audiences.
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