Freedom of expression and right of defense opposite to the ius puniendi of the administration: a vision in the light of the most recent constitutional jurisprudence

  • José Mateos Martínez Profesor Asociado de Derecho Constitucional en la Universidad de Murcia. Doctor Europeo en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad de Bolonia y Abogado en ejercicio
Keywords: freedom of expression, right of defense, civil servant, autoguardianship, disciplinary process


The present article analyzes the reinforcement of the freedom of expression that takes place when this one is exercised in connection by the right of defense, and centres on a concrete supposition that has been recently examined by the Constitutional Court: the exercise of the right of defense in the first person for a civil servant who is an object of a disciplinary process. Simultaneously that we study the solution given by the Constitutional Court to the mentioned case, we think about the effects of the same one beyond the specific case that resolves, raising the possibility of its extrapolation to the generality of suppositions where the citizen exercises his right of defense in the first person and without legal aid service.


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How to Cite
Mateos Martínez, J. (2017). Freedom of expression and right of defense opposite to the ius puniendi of the administration: a vision in the light of the most recent constitutional jurisprudence. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (26), 135-146.