Human mobility control policies. Collective expulsions

  • Agostina Carla Hernández Bologna Fundación Carolina
Keywords: collective expulsions, hot returns, immigration control policies, readmission agreements, borders


This article it’s about an analysis on how collective expulsions represent a violation of human rights, delimited to the European context, what is their impact and what their legal and jurisprudential treatment. For that purpose, three specific aspects will be treated: first, the evolution of the “securitization” of immigration control policies and their externalization. Second, a study of expulsions in general will be carried out, as a migration control policy, to analyze the specific case of collective expulsions. And, in third place, the specific migration policy from the signing of readmission agreements of the EU or the member states with countries of transit and origin will be analyzed, making a brief mention of the bilateral agreement signed by Spain with Morocco, with special attention to the implementation and legal regulation of hot returns.


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How to Cite
Hernández Bologna, A. C. (2020). Human mobility control policies. Collective expulsions. UNIVERSITAS. Revista De Filosofía, Derecho Y Política, (33), 28-84.