The Guilty Belly

Economies of Gluttony in Plato’s Republic

  • María del Pilar Montoya Investigadora independiente
Keywords: Plato, Republic, diaita, gluttony, autarkeia, imports, animal husbandry


This article aims to show the close relationship between the economic phenomena described and analysed by Plato in the Republic and certain practices related to food. By relying on the Timaeus statements on the physiological processes related to food processing and on the considerations present in Letter VII on eating habits, we will show that, in addition to his awareness of the ethical and social role of food, the philosopher recognises in the diaita an economic and political operation in itself. In this sense, in addition to contributing new elements to the reflection of his contemporaries on food ethics, Plato is the first to develop a theory according to which the way in which man feeds himself defines to a large extent the economic behaviour of cities and, therefore, shapes their politics.


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How to Cite
Montoya, M. del P. (2024). The Guilty Belly: Economies of Gluttony in Plato’s Republic. ΠΗΓΗ/FONS, 49-70.