Infant advertising in Christmas

does it promote physical activity and social relations?

  • A. Rubio Hernández Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad de Almería
Keywords: toys, physical activity, social relations


 Introduction. Toy advertising holiday season plays an important role in children when making your decision about which toy they want to have, in turn this influences the decision of parents when deciding which toy is most appropriate for your child in meeting the needs both educational and health benefits.

Objectives. Knowing the rate of toy advertising on children's broadcasting time and the relationship of these toys with physical activity and social relationships that children may have.

Material and methods. A review of television during children's programming and toy advertisements reviewed for this issue.

Results. Published data show a large number of toys that enhance social relations but that in turn foster a minimal physical activity. Discussion. The results show that the toys have minimal physical activity.


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How to Cite
Rubio Hernández, A. (2016). Infant advertising in Christmas: does it promote physical activity and social relations?. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud (RECS), 69-77. Retrieved from
Monográfico. La influencia de los medios en la salud de la población infantil