Some reflections about health communication in Spain after five years of the Observatory of Communication and Health

  • J.L. Terrón Blanco InCom-UAB y Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad I. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Health Communication, Spain, Perspectives


This article aims to provide a series of reflections about communication and health in Spain. The text, merely descriptive and to some extent speculative, has been created from the direct experience that gives the direction of Centre for Communication and Health Studies InCom-UAB since 2005, the date of its founding and first entity that has dedicated his stable communication activity and health in our state. The article has two objectives: first, focusing on university research, a brief summary outline of what we have done and where we come from, and, secondly, to highlight our strengths and our weaknesses. But his ultimate purpose, without hiding some degree of provocation, is a necessary to promote theoretical dialogue about our areas of study: what is, what should be and what they are, whether to consider its goals.


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How to Cite
Terrón Blanco, J. (2016). Some reflections about health communication in Spain after five years of the Observatory of Communication and Health. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 1(2), 77-97. Retrieved from
Monográfico. Situación actual de la comunicación en salud