Hippocrates, Augustine and Kepler, sources of reference against the spread of fake health news on the internet

  • Carlos Cachán-Alcolea Facultad de Comunicación y Artes, Universidad Nebrija, España http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5739-2947
  • Juan Pablo Mateos Abarca Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
  • Antonio Vaquerizo Mariscal Facultad de Comunicación y Artes, Universidad Nebrija, España
Keywords: Hippocrates, Augustine of Hippo, Kepler, sources of reference, fake news, coronavirus, internet, health


Fake news, misleading claims, hoaxes, half-truths, lies… In order to battle the virus of distrust, fed by fake health news circulating on the internet – particularly in times of coronavirus – the solution is to resort to experts such as scientists and professors, activities shared by Hippocrates, Augustine of Hippo and Kepler. From our point of view, the three are amongst those highly regarded sources for becoming well informed of events and uncovering fake news which, as a general rule, is spread by a tweet or a notification which pops up on one’s smartphone. In our opinion, the basis of truthful information is not offered by technology as an end in itself. It is the spirit of deep convictions that defines the objectivity underlying the verifiable facts.


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How to Cite
Cachán-Alcolea, C., Mateos Abarca, J. P., & Vaquerizo Mariscal, A. (2020). Hippocrates, Augustine and Kepler, sources of reference against the spread of fake health news on the internet. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 11(1), 146-152. https://doi.org/10.20318/recs.2020.5363