Discourse analysis of physicians on Twitter about the validity of possible treatments for COVID-19

  • Alejandra Manco Vega Laboratorio ELICO, Departamento de Informática, Universidad Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Francia
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, ethos, Twitter, COVID-19 treatments, physicians, Peru, ccience communication, health communication


Introduction: Twitter is a platform that prioritizes the immediacy of communication. However, tweets in scientific areas rarely reach a wide audience. Objective: To examine discursive strategies used by Peruvian doctors with an active Twitter account on the validity of possible treatments for COVID-19. Methodology: Critical discourse analysis, using Fairclough's three-dimensional model with the help of notions of ethos. Results: Two areas were found where the medical-scientific discursive ethos is expressed: the construction as individual specialists in health and the approach given to the aspects of the medical-scientific ethos (the method, the evidence and the pseudo-scientific). Conclusions: The language used in the tweets is impersonal and neutral. The positioning of individuals as health specialists is done through a thematic opinion. A discursive ethos that reinforces the existing pre-discursive ethos through discursive strategies such as denomination and intertextuality is the one to develop this positioning.


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How to Cite
Manco Vega, A. (2021). Discourse analysis of physicians on Twitter about the validity of possible treatments for COVID-19. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 12(1), 75-88. https://doi.org/10.20318/recs.2021.5593
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