Instagram advertising and public health risks: the influencer as a drug opinion leader, a case study

Keywords: influencers, medicine, Instagram, advertising


Introduction: Influencers are gaining more and more prominence on social networks such as Instagram. With millions of followers, these new opinion leaders often recommend and advertise certain products, including medicines. Objectives: This text aims to point out the risks that the recommendation of a drug by an influencer may entail. Methodology: To do this, a qualitative analysis of a real case is used, in which the influencer Paula Gonu recommends Eridosis wipes as a treatment for acne. Results: It is observed that influencers such as the one studied herein treat a drug containing antibiotics as if it were an aesthetic product, generating alarm in the medical and pharmaceutical sector. Conclusion: Drug advertising on Instagram is a complex issue that needs to be further addressed due to its relationship with health, and, above all, greater regulation by institutions.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Marín, G., Bellido-Pérez, E., & Trujillo Sánchez, M. (2021). Instagram advertising and public health risks: the influencer as a drug opinion leader, a case study. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 12(1), 43-57.