Recommendations for precise health information to avoid confusion and inaccuracies regarding the knowledge of mortality due to COVID-19 infection in Spain
Introduction: Accurate communication of the fatality rate associated to COVID-19 pandemic should be a priority in the fight against it; having a reliable knowledge of this information concerns social rights, and it is a key aspect of public awareness. Aims: Mortality data from Spain and the European neighborhood have been assessed, with regards to the importance of providing precise information about the mortality of COVID-19. Methodology: Excess mortality and COVID-19 official data deaths have been compared from different institutions, paying special attention to the Spanish case. Likewise, the national situation has been analyzed with respect to the European neighboring countries. Results: Relevant disagreement and absence of uniform criteria, in the communication of the information regarding COVID-19 deaths are found; this hinders the proper communication to population and threatens decision-taking. Conclusions: Communication of pandemicrelated deaths from the official institutions should follow the criteria from WHO, and official data should include clinical suspicious deaths in order to reduce uncertainties and misleads in subsequent diffusion of these data by the media.
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