Digital Platforms in Child Rearing

A Qualitative Study From the Perspective of Primary Caregivers in Early Childhood

  • Alejandra Angelats Fuenmayor Escuela de Psicología, Programa Magister en Psicología de la Salud, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile / Red de Centros de Salud Familiar Ancora UC, Chile
  • Marcela Aracena Álvarez Escuela de Psicología, Programa Magister en Psicología de la Salud, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Keywords: child rearing, parenting, health promotion, health education, social media


Introduction: Prioritizing the promotion of competencies for early childhood development has become essential and characteristically urgent in families. In this context, incorporating technology into daily life gives new opportunities for parental development and support in child-rearing. Objective: To describe perceptions of digital platforms as the preferred source or modality of obtaining information on child-rearing practices for parents or caregivers in early childhood. Methodology: A qualitative descriptive study aimed at early childhood parents or caregivers in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. Data analysis was done utilizing open coding, and based on grounded theory. Results: Caregivers indicate that digital platforms have helped them be prepared and informed regarding child rearing and the health of their children. Conclusions: Digital platforms have become a support of caregivers for child-rearing. Knowing the needs of parents or caregivers can be helpful in the development of future educational materials related to child-rearing and other interventions based on information and communication technologies.


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How to Cite
Angelats Fuenmayor, A., & Aracena Álvarez, M. (2022). Digital Platforms in Child Rearing: A Qualitative Study From the Perspective of Primary Caregivers in Early Childhood. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 13(2), 173-181.

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