Communicating in times of pandemic
Use of social networks and the role of communication units in five Andalusian hospitals
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare organizations to readjust their communication strategies to respond to the huge demand for information from professionals, citizens and media. Objectives: To analyze the use that Andalusian hospitals have made of social networks as the main communication channels, as well as the role of the communication units of these hospitals in the management of the pandemic. Methodology: The subject matter and interaction rate of more than 1,500 publications on Facebook and Twitter of five Andalusian hospitals were analyzed, and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with communication unit referents. Results: All the hospitals analyzed had communication departments staffed by professionals specialized in health communication who have played an active role in the decision-making committees during the pandemic. Facebook and Twitter have been the main dissemination channels. The thematic lines that concentrated most of the publications were: «Acknowledgement and expressions of support», «Protocols and measures for adaptation to the pandemic» and «Prevention and promotion». Conclusion: The results show the usefulness of social networks as channels of direct communication between hospitals and society in healthcare crises, the importance of communication as a healthcare management tool, as well as lessons learned to be applied in future healthcare crises.
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