Spiritual and religious needs and communication in palliative care
Introduction: Spiritual and religious needs are increasingly taken into account in sociosanitary field, due to the rise of the model of integrality in care and Comprehensive Person-Centered Care. Objective: To describe the use in the scientific literature of variables related to spiritual and religious needs of patients, dependent and/or elderly people and their relatives in health and social-health centres. Methodology: Narrative review in databases: Psycinfo, Psicodoc, Dialnet, Scopus and Pubmed. Results: 72 documents were selected. The evolution of researchers and health professionals is shown towards the acceptance of spiritual/religious needs and their positive effects; the need to address them; the demand and emergence of training, techniques and communication tools, and their evaluation; and the demand of more complete research. Conclusions: The positive effects and clinical usefulness of the spiritual/religious dimension in health field and the need for training in communication skills are progressively recognized.
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