The behavior of citizens regarding health information: exposure, access and uses

  • Gema Revuelta Centro de Estudios de Ciencia, Comunicación y Sociedad (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)
Keywords: health communication, social networks, doctor-patient relationship, fake-news


Introduction: The behavior of citizens regarding health information can influence their relationships with other people and their decisions.
: To increase the understanding of behavioral changes of Spanish citizens regarding health information between 2014 and 2018.
: Six focus groups were organized with citizens (N = 31) and four with specialized health communicators (N = 23). The transcripts have been coded and analyzed with Atlas.ti 8 software.
: In 2014 social networks began to occupy a central role as a means of access to health information, especially among the youngest. From the opinion of communicators, in 2018 there is now more quality information online, but the commercial strategies of the social networks encourage the exposure of citizens to fake-news (including pseudo therapies) and superficial contents (i.e. body image). Citizens have changed their issues of interest and their behavior regarding health information. The use of online information within the doctor-patient relationship do not seem to have changed.
: In four years there have been changes in the exposure and access to health information that can have considerable consequences.


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How to Cite
Revuelta, G. (2019). The behavior of citizens regarding health information: exposure, access and uses. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 10(1), 9-20.