Female genital mutilation: a look from the cinema

  • Laura Hernández-García Servicio de Urgencias de Pediatría, Hospital Materno-Infantil del Complejo Universitario Torrecárdenas de Almería, España
  • Patricia Mesas-Carreño Dispositivo de Apoyo Distrito Poniente de Almería, España
  • Laura García-Cano Servicio de Urgencias de Pediatría, Hospital Materno-Infantil del Complejo Universitario Torrecárdenas de Almería, España
Keywords: circumcision, clitoris, documentaries and factual films, motion pictures


Introduction: Female genital ablation/mutilation (FGA/M) is any procedure that consists in a partial or total resection. Objective: Review the presence of FGA/M in the synopses of cinematographic materials. Methodology: Longitudinal descriptive study whose sample consisted of cinematographic materials from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). The Key Words from the "mutilation female genital" database were used, including those that presented complete synopses and excluding those that lacked the term FGA/M and the duration of the material. Results: N = 17, most are documentaries (35.3%) and short films (29.4%) framed in the documentary (41.17%) and dramatic (35.30%) genre. The word FGA/M appears in the synopsis of 94%, being the last decade the period of time in which more cinematographic material related to FGA/M has been produced (47.05%). Materials range from 8-124 minutes with a mean of 59.88 minutes. Conclusions: Film materials have addressed FGA/M by describing the different roles: health, family, socio-cultural, victims, activists, circumcisers, etc., although in terms of feature films there are few materials that cover the vulnerability of human rights.


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How to Cite
Hernández-García, L., Mesas-Carreño, P., & García-Cano, L. (2021). Female genital mutilation: a look from the cinema. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 12(2), 189-197. https://doi.org/10.20318/recs.2021.6056
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