Adequate communication and support in science, the keys to mitigating and controlling the covid-19 pandemic in Uruguay
Uruguay lifted the health emergency in April 2022 and since then its citizens have led a normal life, free of masks and social distancing. The South American country has gone through several stages in the development of the pandemic, but even at the times of the highest peaks in infections in 2021, it has been able to maintain order, distance education and economic activity. Presidential communication and responsible freedom: The government has used transparent and continuous communication based on the concept of "responsible freedom" that has granted a degree of co-responsibility to the population. Prominence of science: the scientific community has been summoned to advise the Executive Power through the formation of the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH). This measure was approved by the population, which rewarded the government with credibility and compliance with the measures, and has led to greater recognition and interest in science. The use of a planned, continuous and scientifically based communication campaign was key to the mitigation and control of the pandemic in Uruguay.
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