Communicating experiences of emotional self-regulation and self-efficacy for the well-being of older adults in Europe
A case study
Introduction: In the face of situations of vulnerability such as COVID-19, the need for older adults to manage emotions and the need for qualified personnel to detect emotional self-care needs has been highlighted. Society suffers from an ageism that harms the well-being of the silver generation, worsens their quality of life, and increases social isolation. Objectives: to identify the experiences that are currently communicated to older people for emotional self-care, and to analyse these experiences to determine areas for improvement. Methodology: case study of a European project involving 5 organizations offering senior care programs in Poland, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany. Results: the implementation of experiences ―creative workshops, mindfulness and relaxation platforms, social and recreational activities― improve emotional well-being, although programs that communicate emotional skills for healthy aging are scarce. Conclusions: it is necessary to communicate the development of protective psychological factors for emotional self-care.
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