Communication techniques in older people facing social isolation and loneliness

  • María Isabel León Latorre Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Almería, España
  • María Martos Enrique Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Almería, España
  • Teresa Galiana Camacho Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Almería, España
Keywords: communication, social isolation, loneliness, technology


Introduction: Older adults constitute an important segment of the population, with its high growth in recent years. They are the most likely to suffer situations of social isolation and loneliness, and those who least use the technologies to improve communication and increase the quality of life. Objective: identify different communication techniques to reduce social isolation and / or loneliness in older adults. Methodology: bibliographic review during January and February 2019 in the CINAHL, Medline and Scopus databases. A total of 347 articles were obtained in English, of which 15 were finally selected. Results and discussion: most of the revised studies state the need for communication with the older adult patient, to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Patients will have to learn the different technologies that exist and their functioning for a better quality of life. Conclusions: adequate information and intervention for older patients with social isolation and / or loneliness, improves the results, thus reducing the symptoms they cause.


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How to Cite
León Latorre, M. I., Martos Enrique, M., & Galiana Camacho, T. (2020). Communication techniques in older people facing social isolation and loneliness. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 11(2), 268-277.
Systematic Reviews