Mental health communication in times of pandemic

An analysis of social media and the internet during the spring of 2021

  • Elva Martín Batista Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, España
Keywords: mental health, COVID-19, pandemic of coronavirus, Twitter, Google


Introduction: The effects of COVID-19 outbreak have reached the mental health of society and its informative evaluation results convenient. Objective: To analyze the presence and quality of information on the impact of coronavirus outbreak in mental health of people on internet and on Twitter. Methods: Searching of key words in Google, evaluation of the contents in the first three pages of results and searching of key words in Twitter with an assessment of 90 tweets in the sections popular and recent. Based on the total number of results the appropriate percentages were calculated. Results: 263 million results were obtained. The origin of the information was diverse, corresponding to health corporations, non-governmental organizations, governments, and media. On Twitter, the majority of findings related to the chosen key words came from institutions and anonymous users, with a minimal participation of public figures. Conclusions: There is information available about the topic both in the web and in Twitter. There is access to recommendations and telephones of assistance. In Twitter, there is evidence of a generalized concern about the topic and the lack of contribution from public figures.


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How to Cite
Martín Batista, E. (2022). Mental health communication in times of pandemic: An analysis of social media and the internet during the spring of 2021. Revista Española De Comunicación En Salud , 13(2), 229-236.
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