Beauty and health as central concepts in advertising body cult in Spain
Introduction: Television as a means of mass communication and advertising as a fundamental element in its configuration, build a system of transmission of values and ways of life, also in those aspects that have to do with body care and beauty, without it being clear which concepts it is related to or which ones have more representation, as well as being contents that can have a high impact on viewers. Objectives: To observe the relationship between health and beauty, as well as to find out if there are any other areas not covered by the existing literature. Methodology: Content analysis applied to a sample of 1054 advertisements broadcast on Spanish generalist television in April, May and June 2020, a period with high television audience figures. Results: Body cult advertising focused on health occupies a significant percentage of the total sample and a new sphere appears that has to do with the perfection of bodies. Conclusions: Health is positioned as a key element in this type of advertising, presenting itself as a new representation of the expression of the beauty of bodies.
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