Revista de Historiografía (RevHisto) is a biannual scientific publication dedicated to the study of the conditions and circumstances in which historical production is constructed. RevHisto only admits originals that contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Its interdisciplinary interest makes it a forum not only dedicated to the analysis of historical narratives in their contexts, but also to the historiographic study of any field of knowledge, generated by and intended for qualified experts and scholars.

Revista de Historiografía is indexed in SCOPUS,  ERIH PLUS y EBSCO. It is also included in databases as Catálogo 2.0 LATINDEX, CINDOC, DIALNET, CIRC, RESH and REGESTA IMPERII.

RevHisto has renovated its excellent journal certificate and the quality seal FECYT in 2019 (FECYT-025/2019).

Current Issue

No. 39 (2024)

Revoluciones e independencias. Historiografía reciente de los bicentenarios iberoamericanos (2020-2024)

Josep Escrig e Ivana Frasquet (eds.)

Published: 2024-09-30

Collective book

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Starting in 2022 Revista de Historiografía becomes an annual publication